Children's Sunday School

Our Teaching Philosophy

The Lord, in all his wisdom, created children wonderfully…curious, able to ponder, eager to ask questions, happy to hear stories, and with the natural urge to retell what they’ve heard. We thank God for these natural gifts that he gives to children.
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14
We also know that most children naturally have shorter attention spans and give their best effort for smaller amounts of time.  Therefore, we adhere to the educational philosophy of Charlotte Mason. Thus, respecting the children as persons capable of lively thought, but simultaneously adapting to our youngest church members’ needs.

Our Prayer

Just like flowers turn their faces toward the sun each day, we pray that our covenant children will turn toward the Lord each and every day of their lives. Therefore, the cultivation of a relationship with God is vital and of utmost importance.

Our Methods

God speaks to us and to our children through his Word. Since relationships thrive when frequent time is spent together, we bring the children directly to the Lord through the hearing of his Word & allowing the children to respond, in essence, speak back to God. To do this, we employ the method of narration.

“The Word is full of vital force, capable of applying itself.”
Charlotte Mason

We keep lessons short to encourage the habits of full attention and best effort. We provide a variety of activities (catechism review, memorizing Bible passages, singing hymns, hearing the Word & narrating, and playing games outdoors) during Sunday School each week, so that we don’t exhaust any one part of the brain. Our children enjoy a rich feast for their minds, bodies, and souls.

We have knocked the obstacles of modernity (worksheets and reward systems) out of the way, so that our children can come to him unhindered.

“But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,
for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven’.” Matthew 19:14


Narration is the ancient and classical practice of listening carefully with full attention and then retelling what has been heard from the teacher. The retelling can be verbal, written, or through a drawing. Narration builds careful listening skills as well as comprehension. It strengthens memory & attention. It prepares children for a life of participating in worship services. Narration helps children’s thinking skills and articulation. More than anything though, it is the way we build relationships with authors of books. In this case, the author is the one true and living God!
“Take heed therefore how you hear.” Luke 8:18

Family Worship Resources

For more assistance with Family Worship, visit our Resources Page where you’ll find additional links to helpful resources!

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