Pentecost Feast 2024

Please join us for a new annual tradition, the Pentecost Feast!

Sunday, May 19th

Beginning at 4:00 pM
Meeting at the Smith home in Cerritos

While the Lord’s Day is our only “holy day” of worship and communion, we also recognize the benefit of the annual commemoration of the redemptive work of Christ. Therefore, at Living Hope we’ve made it our practice to observe the “evangelical feast days” of the Protestant Church, the next of which is Pentecost!

What is Pentecost?

The Christian holiday of Pentecost is a commemoration of the final movement in the Christ’s earthly ministry; the day Christ sent the Helper, the Holy Spirit. On this day, God poured out His Spirit on “all flesh” and ushered in an age of expansion for the people of God; when Christ’s church became a true international body made up of people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. On this day the Spirit was given as a gift from God to unite all believers and to indwell, secure, empower and grant further gifts to the members of Christ’s body. The giving of the Spirit on Pentecost was a sign that the last days had indeed begun and that God’s covenant promise to dwell in the midst of His people had arrived.

In commemoration of this event, we will hold a feast that celebrates all these elements: the union we have with God and each other by the Spirit, and the gifts he’s granted to diverse peoples. We ask our families to participate by preparing food from diverse locations around the world, to remind us of the worldwide participation of God’s Kingdom united in the name of Christ!

We hope you consider joining us for this joyful event!

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